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7 Manufacturing Safety Tips to Practice Daily


For industrial manufacturers, keeping employees safe is often priority number one. Even so, manufacturing work presents a variety of hazards that make this easier said than done. 

In 2021, the manufacturing industry accounted for the third-highest number of workplace injuries and the fourth-highest number of workplace fatalities. This only emphasizes how important it is for industrial manufacturers to continuously reinforce safety habits and ensure their employees are equipped with what they need to stay safe on the job. 

Let’s look at some manufacturing safety tips that should be practiced daily at your plant or facility. 

7 Manufacturing Safety Tips to Keep Your Team Safe 

1. Properly use and operate machines, equipment, and tools

Ensuring that all employees are operating machines, equipment, and tools properly and safely is arguably the most important manufacturing safety tip. And while it may seem obvious to the most experienced manufacturing professionals, the reality is that tens of thousands of manufacturing employees are injured by machines, equipment, and tools every year. 

To set your team up for success, provide employees with thorough training on any equipment or tools they are using. Make sure employees have access to resources, such as manuals, to reference when needed. 

Additionally, ensure that all machines have the required machine guarding in place and that it’s in proper working condition. 

2. Always wear PPE

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required in a variety of industries to keep employees safe. The most common types of PPE used in manufacturing include safety glasses, hearing protection, gloves, and proper footwear. 

All employees should be aware of what PPE is required and should wear it at all times. Employees should also routinely inspect their PPE to ensure there are no cracks, rips, or other types of damage that could compromise the equipment. 

3. Maintain a clean work environment

In 2021, there were over 20,000 injuries from slips, trips, and falls in the manufacturing industry. To help prevent these sorts of injuries, keep all work areas clean and free of clutter, and always be on the lookout for potential hazards such as spills or damaged flooring. 

Additionally, make sure to practice organization as well. Things like returning tools and other equipment to their proper place and keeping workstations well-organized and hazard-free will help to promote a clean, easy-to-navigate workplace. 

4. Utilize proper signage and signaling devices

Identifying potentially hazardous areas with signage can greatly reduce the risk of injury on the job. In fact, OSHA regulates where safety signage must be used and the specifications for different types of signage.  

To ensure the safety of employees, visitors, and others, make sure you’re aware of where safety signage is required at your plant or facility, and that it adheres to OSHA specifications. 

Signaling devices are another great tool for promoting employee safety. Devices such as tower lights, beacons, or alarms can protect operators that work in hazardous areas or with heavy machinery. 

5. Encourage employees to take breaks

Manufacturing work can be physically taxing, and breaks are a necessary part of the job. But aside from the physical benefits of a short rest period, breaks also help increase safety by allowing employees to break up their day and reduce the chance of them entering “autopilot mode,” which can lead to mistakes and potential injuries. 

6. Teach proper lifting posture and technique

Nearly 10,000 manufacturing workplace injuries in 2021 were caused by overexertion due to lifting. Teaching proper lifting technique can make a big difference in preventing these sorts of injuries. 

Employees should always keep their back straight and only use their legs to lift, while not turning or twisting their body in the process. 

7. Foster a culture of safety

At the end of the day, safety is an ongoing process for manufacturers. While there are a variety of manufacturing safety tips for employees to be mindful of, one of the most important steps in keeping employees safe is to build and foster a culture of safety in the workplace. 

This includes tactics like providing regular safety training for all employees, giving incentives for safe workplace behaviors, and performing routine safety audits and inspections. Conduct safety meetings at least once a month to talk about potential hazards, promote specific focus areas, and ensure employees are engaged and committed to maintaining a safe workplace. 

How Crescent Can Help 

At Crescent Electric, we’re committed to helping our customers achieve their safety and security goals. Start building a safer workplace today – visit our safety and security hub to learn how we can help keep your team safe! 

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